My 7 month old Morkie has a hard bumb on the right of her back by her butt. It’s about the size of ...
We have a shorkie pup what is the best way to keep her fur soft? ...
My puppy is 5 1/2 months old and he gets car sick. I was told by the vet to give him a whole 12.5 ch ...
Bought a Teacup Male Yorkie 5 days ago. He is 13 weeks old. I noticed a couple coughs over the past ...
My 12-week old puppy just chipped a lower canine tooth and it bled for a bit. She’s still chewing on ...
my puppy has a lump on her right side on her back near her ribcage. . . .what should i do? what cou ...
My Maltipoo puppy (5 months) has the worst smelling poop I have ever smelled. I have a 5.5 month ol ...
Our 4.5 months old Maltipoo is getting her new teeth and stopped to eat her dry food for multiple da ...
My dog scratches his ears a lot and everytime I will hold his ear/side face he will cry. ...