Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

Bad Stinky Poop

October 1, 2014, 8:36 AM

My Maltipoo puppy (5 months) has the worst smelling poop I have ever smelled.  I have a 5.5 month old Pomeranian and her poop smells "normal".  They are on the exact same diet but with very different end results...help??
Category: Common Conditions


If there are no differences in diet, that also would apply to treats, people food and also anything she might eat outside etc, the first place we would look would be at the bacterial population in her GI tract.  You can have her stool checked to assess bacterial overgrowth or you could even try giving some live culture yogurt or a probiotic supplement to try to reestablish balance in her gut.