Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

Likes to Lick

April 5, 2018, 6:18 PM

We have a shorkie she will be 2 in July. She is eating royal canin adult mini dry dog food. Her bowl always has food in it but she has been eating her own poop lately outside. She also has an obsession with licking thing the carpet, couch, blankets, her toys, and even us. We have been trying to get her to stop and we don't know if we should be concerned. We keep everything clean and vacuumed and we do not use carpet powders or anything. Any suggestions?
Category: Training Tips


For that situation where there are multiple targets for her licking use of deterrent sprays is problably your best choice.  The coprophagy usually responds to use of products like Forbid or Deter.  You must use them for a couple weeks for best results.