Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

Getting over car sickness

April 4, 2018, 1:15 PM

hello,I have a maltipoo  Male dog,hes about 14weeks old.when ever we travel he seems to get car sick,he usly doesn't eat within an hr. before traveling.but he throws up flem.i would like to no what is safe to give him for motion sickness.i am traveling on and airplane with him this month for the first time and I really don't want him to get sick on the way or the plane.so please if you get give me suggestions with this it would be appreciated. thanks tam
Category: Training Tips


The best approach to the car sick problem is to ride more often, preferably short trips at first and steadily increasing the duration.
Of products to use the most reliable would be acepromazine or cerenia which would come from your vet.  There are lots of homeopathic remedies, their effectiveness varies considerably from pet to pet so all you can do is pick one and try it.