Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

What's My Name?

December 3, 2016, 2:39 PM

What's the best way to teach my puppy her new name?  She's 10 weeks old.  We've been able to teach her the 'sit' command pretty effectively with treats but it's not working with teaching her name.  

thanks in advance for your help...Rob
Category: Training Tips


I am not sure what her name is but if it is fairly simple without a lot of syllables then it is just a matter of repetition.  If she has leaned other sounds associated with treats etc. start by making the familiar sound then repeating her name several times while whe is responding to the other sound.  Also begin, and ofter end every sentaance with her name.  If she knows "Sit" it's the same idea, say her name before each sit and try saying her name before teaching her the "Come" command.