My Poochon is now 7 month old and 9lb. How much calories should she eat a day? ...
Can I bathe my puppy the first day it comes home? ...
Hi, will have my 14 lbs mini Goldendoodle spayed next month. May I ask if i should get a cone or a ...
How do I properly clean my puppy's ears? ...
Can I take my puppy outside when it is cold? How long can they be out there? ...
Our miniBernedoodle puppy will be 9 1/2 weeks old. After giving the gerber baby food and cesar wet ...
Hi, I want to switch from Credelio Flea and Tick prevention medication to Promika ZoGuard Plus Flea ...
Winnie seemed a little lethargic this morning. No interest in food. Mixed soft food into hard and ...
upset tummy ...