Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

Timing of Spay

April 20, 2015, 6:25 PM

I understand that having my yorkie spayed before puberty is suggested, generally between 5-9 months, based on adult weight. My question is that my pets adult weight may well be between 3-4 lbs. Would having her spayed and put under anesthesia at such a small size cause this to be a more complicated or dangerous procedure ? Based on your experience with yorkies, which month would be best ? We don't want to take any chances with her health, by having this done too soon.
Category: Preventive Care


I would suggest between 5 and 6 months. A dog her size would likely come in heat well before 9 months.  Although no period of a aesthetics is without risks that age would be preferable.