What type of medication do you recommend to prevent fleas and ticks on dogs? I have a one year old H ...
What brand microchip does Premier Pup insert? She got hers in December 2019 and I need to know. Than ...
My puppy doesn’t like /hates his create but I want to change this. How can I do so? ...
What's your recommendation for maintaining ears clean and free of infection for a King Charles Spani ...
Hi doc, got another puppy on Sunday, when we picked her up her cage was damaged on one side and she ...
My teddy bear is 11 weeks and 4.5lbs. What recommendation do you have for preventative medication on ...
I'm so sorry, I tried replying to the questions you had about my question I asked this morning but i ...
My dog is well at peeing on the wee wee pad when we are at my house. I trained her there. However, w ...
Bought a Teacup Male Yorkie 5 days ago. He is 13 weeks old. I noticed a couple coughs over the past ...