Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

Should we keep giving medicine?

August 23, 2015, 3:07 PM

My 8wk old cavapoo was brought home with orders to give 0.6 ml of doxycycline twice a day until gone.  He is not tolerating it and is vomiting after taking it. We are on day 2 of the med and he refuses to eat or drink since vomiting this morning. I have been syringe feeding him water and some of the corn syrup they also gave me to prevent low blood sugar. Do I keep giving him the med?
Category: Homecoming


You should not give any more antibiotic until he has gone without vomiting for at least 2 hours and until he has some solid food in his stomach.  Try giving a combination of baby food, karo syrup and warm water in equal parts.  Give about 4ml per pound of body weight each 1-2 hours.  If he keeps that down then you can try the antibiotic again.