Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

New puppy and older dog

April 21, 2021, 9:52 PM

I have a very active 7 pound 18 month old,  female pom at home... Bringing in an 8 week old 2 pound pom pup, also female.... how do I structure meeting, feeding etc so my 1st doesnt get crazy jealous? should they sleep together?

Category: Homecoming


Just be a referee during the first several days until you judge the interaction.  I beleive having more than one pet is a great idea for reducing boredom related behavior.  Once you sense that they like each other sleeping together is great. Here is some additional

If your older dog is generally sociable things will probably go well. ‭Be  available as a referee during the first few days till you are comfortable. Showing simultaneous affection by sitting with both dogs, petting and cooing them together reinforces that there is no favorite pet. Feed them separately for the first week or two until the relationship is predictable. Try to keep as many elements of the older dogs routine constant so he feels comfortable that his situation is not in jeopardy.