Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

Facing the cold

November 9, 2020, 11:50 AM


A few questions: 1) My Goldendoodle is 10-week old.  How much water should I give her in winter time (~50 F)?  2) She licks the tip of her tail a lot this morning, should I be concerned? 3) It's getting cold (~40 F) in the morning when I let her relieve herself in the backyard and I notice that she is shivering.  Does that mean it's too cold for her, and we should go back in as soon as she finishes her business?  Do I need to get her an outfit to keep her warm?  However, it would be cold if it gets wet on the grass??   Thank you!
Category: Homecoming


If she feels good and eats well she is getting enough water.  If healthy she can stand 15-20 minutes in the cold and shivering is a normal response.