My puppy's right front paw wobbles or shakes a little when walking and standing what does this mean ...
Can I give my dog apple cider vinegar for her tear stains? ...
My 12 week old puppy got her 4th round of vaccinations today. Later in the day she had diarrhea twi ...
Puppy is having spurts of coughing followed with a hack, but nothing is coming up and he's fine othe ...
Hi my puppy is 10 weeks old. Last week he had his Vet appointment and everything was ok including st ...
We have an inground swimming pool. Our dog loves the water. Are the chemicals in the water harmful ...
I have a 4 month old Maltipoo. I noticed a small raised area or knot under the skin lox on her neck ...
Can puppies get sick from people when we have a cold or chest cough ...
Hi! My puppy has been coughing and then clearing his throat, almost like he is going to throw up bu ...