Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

Home care steps for gagging

June 20, 2017, 8:10 PM

Have a 3 lb 8 oz shichon. Picked him up at airport on Sunday morning. This is Day 3. He has cough gagging type , especially if has any activity.. He is eating baby food and some puppy dry food.. very playful but gagging gets worse with activity. He was sent with doxycycline and I have given his medication. I am very concerned! Have humidifier on. Anything else to do or should I take to vet ASAP
Category: Common Conditions


I would add the use of the OTC expectorant guaifenesin to the humidification.  Start with 0. 4 ml of that 2-3 times daily.  Ask your pharmacis to help you find it.