Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

Reaction to Rabies vaccination

January 7, 2017, 1:32 PM

Our 18 week old Cavachon puppy had his first rabies shot today.  He is very Lethargic and lying around and not his usual self, and appears to be sore at probably where the injection site was.  Is this normal?  Should we be concerned?  Just wondering if we need to take him to emergency care.

Brett and Devan Kikendall
Category: Common Conditions


Lethargy and tenderness for 1-2 days is fairly common.  Be sure to let him rest. You can also give aspirin at 5mg per pound of body weight and you can repeat that about each 6-8 hours.  Let me know how he is doing later today. You can send to [email protected].