Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

Chews for Coprophagia

March 16, 2014, 10:06 PM

Which brand of chews are best to stop Coprophagia? My puppy keeps eating his poop and he's already 5 months old.
Category: Common Conditions


There are products available to help discourage your puppy from consuming poop, they are available in powder, tablet and soft chew forms.  The principle behind these products is to use enzyme action to chemically alter the feces inn hopes that it creates a change in the smell and attractiveness of the poop.  I wouldn't consider one of these products to be superior to the others in fact I have found that a product that works very nicely for one puppy has no effect on other puppies.  Pick a place to start and be aware that the product has to be used at least a couple times daily and may need to be used for 2-3 weeks.  If your first choice fails move on to another.  Before all the products for puppies were available a sprinkling of unseasoned meat tenderizer (source of enzymes) often worked.