Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health

Vomiting not from stress

July 21, 2016, 12:18 PM

I got my puppy 4 day ago and all is well but  now my 13+ 3 lb yorkie has been throwing up since late yesterday and I have taken all but a small amount of water away from her .Do you think it could be stress from the new adjustment or from day old water on my porch? I live in North Carolina  and she loves the heat and sun bathing but she does take her shade breaks .
Category: Common Conditions


Vomiting as a result from stress alone is highly unlikely.  The causes of vomiting in a 13 year old dog are numerous.  Can you give me more information about her attitude, appitite and type of stool?  Then I may be able to better advise you.