Healtchare & Nutrition Forum for your puppy's health


December 24, 2013, 4:39 PM

Hi Doctor Pup,
My 6-month old puppy has had diarrhea now for about 3days. We're unsure what it's the result from. Our best guess is it's from eating a tiny bit of "LITE" Activa Vanilla Yogurt. She literally just licked an empty container clean. Anyhow, we've tried giving her "pumpkin" fill and white rice from what we found on the internet. But, her waste doesn't seem to be solidifying. She's staying hydrated and otherwise seems healthy (playful / happy). Just the diarrhea continues.

Please advise
Category: Common Conditions


I am not sure how much your puppy weighs but generally I would not consider a little yogurt as a cause for diarrhea of 3 days duration even in a very small dog, except maybe in the case of lactose intolerance which is possible at her age.  Since she feels well you can try simple home treatment for a day or two but if the diarrhea persists after that let me or your vet know.  Give her 1 teaspoon of pepto bismol or kaopectate per 10 lbs of body weight 2-3 times a day  for a couple of days.  Continue the bland food during this time also.