
Eyes Stay Wet

I have a question about the tears on Simba's eyes.. there is no staining and that's not my concern.. any question is.. it seems that his eyes area is always wet.. I always have to dry it.. according to the vet everything is good with him and no issues. What causes this area to be constantly wet and what should I do? Tried to massage he's eyes area but nothing happen. I remember the vet mentioned something about flushing? But I think she thought that I was concern with the stain but again there is no stain it just wet constantly. Please let me know. Thanks!

The two most common situations would be excessive tearing or incomplete drainage of tears from the lid opening.  Incomplete drainage could be signified by his nose being dry a lot of the time as much of what leads to a wet nose is tear that drains from the inside corner of the eye down the tear duct to an opening just inside the nose.  If the tear duct opening at the eye (punctae) is clogged massaging can sometime open it.  Gentle massage and wiping with warm moist cloth 2-3 times a day for a week would be the plan.  The punctae can also be closed over by a thin sheet of tissue in which case surgical opening can help.
As far as excessive tear production there are many causes.  If his eyes appear normal other than the tearing that in itself rules out some causes.  Abnormal or extra eyelashes would be something to ask your vet to check for if that has not been done already.  Keep in mind they can be very tiny and require magnification sometimes under anesthesia to actually see.  
You can send me a few photos of each eye and maybe that will help narrow the choices.